"Let's invent a novel variation on a theme."
He concludes that "the band keeps finding novel variations on their signature sound, even if they never step out of it."
By his own admission, he is obsessed with novel variation in both tone color and texture.
Aminoshikimate pathway is a novel variation of the shikimate pathway.
Although Darwin had privately questioned blending inheritance, he struggled with the theoretical difficulty that novel individual variations would tend to blend into a population.
The introduction of digital montage allows contemporary designers to create composite imagery involving both traditional themes and novel variations.
Their defensive plan was to stop the big plays, and they at least minimized them with novel defensive variations.
This is a novel variation on Le Corbusier's vision of towers in a park.
Crustaceans also have compound eyes and some, such as crayfish and shrimps, have a novel variation.
Some open-source software developers continued to develop OpenTracker, while others forked the source code into novel variations.