One high point of the study came two years ago when the scientists discovered the 17th novel virus in their quest, and found in it an oncogene.
Annual seasonal flu vaccination provide some protection against flu viruses that the vaccine was not designed for, including novel viruses.
The team, which includes scientists from the Johns Hopkins University, is conducting additional tests to identify other novel viruses.
Retrospective serologic testing subsequently demonstrated that up to 230 soldiers had been infected with the novel virus, which was a H1N1 strain.
At the same time, the Department of Health assured that the patient did not die because of the novel virus, instead, due to heart attack.
Without any prior knowledge of genome sequence or growth methods, novel viruses can be discovered.
More recently, security experts have begun to fret that terrorists could engineer and release novel viruses, bacteria or fungi.
Encephalitis caused by human herpesvirus-6 in transplant recipients: relevance of a novel neurotropic virus.
The surveillance enhancements are structured to occur in a stepwise fashion based on the evolution of the influenza activity associated with the novel virus.
A further thirteen putative BPVs have recently been identified; the novel viruses have yet to be assigned to subgroups.