While he exists in outline in "House on Fire," Akiyuki only first steps forward as a focal character in "The Cape," which is novella length.
Using the slogan "Adventures in Fantasy Literature," Black Gate primarily features original short fiction up to novella length.
Each of the stories are of novella length.
Starting in 2010, Gramlich began self publishing some of his short stories and novella length works as ebooks through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Some of the best books I've read are novella length.
What was unusual was that it was a strong year for science fiction and in particular SF of novella length.
Some are novella length, others swift vignettes.
He expanded it to novella length and published it under the name The Pearl by Viking Press in 1947.
As an entry in said series, it is of novella length, and written in simple language.
And yet "Act of Worship," at novella length, is complete and satisfying and sad.