Even the novice gardener can create original displays that will make the most experienced pro drool with admiration.
Many novice gardeners use this term to describe a plant's toughness and durability.
To the novice gardener, I want to speak my piece.
Here is a short list of food crops that even a novice gardener can grow relatively easily:
Many a novice gardener assumes the worst and pulls the abelia out of the ground.
Sometimes novice gardeners err on the side that if a little bit of spray does the job, then twice as much must be better.
This sort of weather surprise often sends up a panic among novice gardeners who fear their bulb flowers will be damaged.
Taking on an allotment plot is a thrilling experience, but to the novice gardener it may seem like a daunting task.
Well, growers have to start somewhere, and so do novice gardeners.
There may be some confusion about geraniums, especially for the novice gardener.