So the drive to keep American families safe from the noxious influence of television for one week means an even more substantial sacrifice from the anti-television faithful.
In reply to the objections of teetotallers, Harris said that the wine prepared by himself was filled with the divine breath so that all noxious influences were neutralized.
Youngsters with a strong sense of themselves are best able to resist noxious outside influences and more likely to be leaders, not followers, among their friends.
Or any noxious influence.
He theorized that identical twinning was more like a birth defect, the result of a noxious influence that causes the embryo to divide.
It must be your noxious influence.
Two, she is pregnant and so we will have a chance to rear a DD in an environment free of your noxious influence.
Aliens have entered the local economy and have returned nothing, except for their noxious influences on a formerly pure human culture.
"What noxious influence do you so dread?"
Causes and Prevention Cataracts can occur at birth because of a hereditary disorder or after exposure to a noxious influence during fetal life.