Mr. Salih said Mr. Bremer initially resisted a more nuanced assessment.
This test is designed to provide a nuanced assessment of the individual's intellectual functioning, providing information about cognitive strengths and weaknesses in each of the four processes.
More advanced machinery might be able to make more nuanced assessments, using fuzzy logic, but of course more advanced machinery would do away with punch cards.
This nuanced assessment is not widely shared.
A nuanced assessment of the I.A.E.A. report was published by the Arms Control Association (A.C.A.), a nonprofit whose mission is to encourage public support for effective arms control.
A nuanced assessment of his country's national life from a Palestinan scholar.
Leaked cables offer a nuanced assessment of the French leader as a friend of America and an erratic figure with authoritarian tendencies.
But the cables also convey a nuanced assessment of the French leader as a somewhat erratic figure with authoritarian tendencies and a penchant for deciding policy on the fly.
Mollaghan's more nuanced assessments, however, performed on four randomly selected newly arrived dogs each day, sometimes have an influence on the fate of a dog whose potential might otherwise be missed.
In spite of all its nuances and nuanced assessments, the Kauppi report is still just a typical piece of spin.