"The Last Resort: A Memoir of Zimbabwe," Rogers's recently published book, is a nuanced, funny, and heartbreaking story of one community's experience of survival in Mugabe's Zimbabwe.
But two days spent with Mr. Dias inside Carandiru, and an investigation of the murder, suggest a more nuanced story of personal redemption.
He loves creating evocative images and telling nuanced stories, whether for a 30-second advertisement or a two-hour feature.
Two days spent with Mr. Dias inside Carandiru and an investigation of the murder reveal a nuanced story of personal redemption far more complex than the brutal killings suggest.
Quindlen explores fame, shame and family dynamics in this nuanced story of two New York sisters - Bridget, a social worker in the Bronx, and Meghan, the host of a popular morning television show.
Everything's Fine presents a more nuanced story of The Summer Set.
On all other counts, Ms Albright is thought prone to tough-talk, but her brooches seem to tell a different, more nuanced story.
My point is simply that it's a way more complex and nuanced story that simply screaming out 'eight out of twenty!
In other words, whatever the political differences or trade wars between Europe and America, and however skeptically the Europeans may perceive the Bush administration's policies on issues like war with Iraq, dollars and cents tell a more nuanced story.
BY "Seconds of Pleasure," a protracted story even more nuanced than the more farcical "Vas Is Dat?