In just a couple of hours, a dozen nuanced versions of the same design emerge as fully formed wax models, which can then be cast and sent to the company's factories in East Asia.
Some mathematicians hold opinions that amount to more nuanced versions of Platonism.
The patterns and stage-crosses of "Shackles" are visible here in a bolder, less nuanced version, peppered with the kind of improbable but eye-catching moves Mr. Fagan demanded of his dancers early on.
The Fabulae are a mine of information today, when so many more nuanced versions of the myths have been lost.
A more nuanced version of this argument focuses on rather invistors will buy our t-bills or if a credit agency will downgrade our credit.
A more nuanced version of the relationship is:
The result, on the front of The Daily News yesterday, was a more nuanced and perhaps unsettling version of his poster, with part of the heart scarred in black.
In fact Leibniz opposed fatalism and had a more nuanced and characteristic version of the principle, in which the contingent was admitted on the basis of infinitary reasons, to which God had access but humans did not.
A nuanced version of revolution in mathematics is described by Caroline Dunmore who sees change at the level of "meta-mathematical values of the community that define the telos and methods of the subject, and encapsulate general beliefs about its value."
One is that Islamic culture itself is to blame, leading to a clash of civilizations, or, as more nuanced versions have it, a struggle between secular-minded and fundamentalist Muslims that has resulted in extremist violence against the West.