Parents wish to keep their nubile daughters isolated from chance-met males while in heat.
Two strangers - a woman and her nubile daughter - show up at the home of a married man and take up residence there.
Her nubile daughter, Amasatou, has become engaged, although she has not undergone female genital cutting, considered a prerequisite for marriage in the local tradition.
Mischal, for instance, the nubile daughter of the cafe, with her enthusiasm for the martial arts.
- he courts the nubile daughter of a prosperous saloonkeeper (Miss Brown).
You and your beautiful fat wives, your brave sons and nubile daughters?
Colleagues with nubile daughters tended to agree, and kept the daughters at home.
Balachandran Adiga is his only son, who has the burden of looking after his family and his four nubile daughters.
Does he have a nubile daughter, by any chance?
Rod had heard of peasant mothers telling their nubile daughters to turn their faces to the wall when the gentlemen passed by-but not their toddlers!