But by so conspicuously showing off its nuclear might, India not only forced Pakistan's hand.
Steady Hardening Seen Ukraine's position has caused some anxiety among foreign experts who have tracked a steady hardening of Ukraine's attitude toward its nuclear might.
Reflex bases located from Greenland to North Africa projected American nuclear might to within striking distance of the Soviet Union heartland.
Nevertheless, the perceived threat of China's nuclear might has fed fears in India, which regards itself as a potential target and uses that fear to justify its own weapons program.
But they have insisted too that attention be focused on what they see as the danger of Israel's nuclear might.
For years, America had maintained a rough equivalence with the Soviets in nuclear might and by this standoff had maintained an uneasy peace in the world.
This is old-fashioned military strength - not a display of nuclear might.
Indeed, if France could not match the nuclear might of Washington or Moscow, the French could at least claim cultural supremacy.
No matter the target, he would fulminate about Washington's arrogance, invoke Russia's nuclear might, even warn of World War III.
These were the centerpiece of the Motherland's defense, the very embodiment of her technical and nuclear might: Tyfun.