They had been engaged for two months when Kane had been interviewed for the nuclear-power program by Admiral Rickover, the famed father of the nuclear navy.
When his USS Nautilus, the first nuclear submarine, went under the polar icecap, his nuclear navy had been the envy of the world.
The father of the nuclear navy, Phillips knew, was such a stickler for reactor safety that he would probably haunt the ship.
Pentagon officials, not keen to see another entrant into the league of nuclear navies or Canada's defense budget stretched still thinner, have been cool to the idea.
His patron saint was Hyman Rickover, the father of the nuclear navy, whose portrait hung in Lanham's office.
A second step would be for the nuclear navies of the world to discuss a "rules of the road" agreement to facilitate the exchange of information in the case of future accidents.
The Kursk incident should spur changes in Russia's nuclear navy.
PWR technology is favoured by nations seeking to develop a nuclear navy, the compact reactors fit well in nuclear submarines and other nuclear ships.
After the success of atomic project in 1978, several proposals were called and made for Pakistan Navy to transformed into a nuclear navy.
He'd never understood that prejudice in the nuclear navy.