Iranian nuclear officials stated that any slowdown in production on their part was to alleviate concern, but have no intention of ending the program.
Some nuclear officials argue that talk of transmutation will further delay permanent disposal.
The plant may not reopen till the end of this year, one nuclear official said.
Iran's top nuclear official, Ali Larijani, listened impassively from the back of the room.
Senior Russian nuclear officials said at a news conference today Moscow sought to dismantle the tactical weapons by the end of the decade.
Shelby Brewer, top nuclear official in the Reagan Administration from 1981 to 1984.
He was the top nuclear official in the Reagan Administration from 1981-1984.
Russian nuclear officials, who disclosed the purchase, said they planned to use the computer to simulate nuclear tests.
American and European nuclear officials have few major complaints about those reactors.
The commission now wants its inspectors to track down these top Iraqi nuclear officials on the team's next visit to Baghdad.