The US and Iran raised the stakes yesterday ahead of this week's nuclear showdown in Geneva, with threats of global strife if no resolution is found.
In almost every conversation about Iran's nuclear showdown with the United States and Europe, they cite the Iraq war as a factor Iran can play to its own advantage.
Kennedy also faced a tense nuclear showdown with Soviet forces in Cuba.
His opposition to Communism was a matter of record; indeed, in 1950 he had advocated a preventive nuclear showdown with the Soviet Union.
You've suddenly got nu- clear missiles and stealth bombers all over the place, threat- ening a nuclear showdown with China.
These 12 senators believe the looming nuclear showdown will be terrible for their institution.
But instead of chasing terrorists down fresh alleys, Mr. Robinson's thriller, adapted from Tom Clancy's 1991 novel, settles into a familiar cold war-style nuclear showdown.
A nuclear showdown was beginning to look all too probable.
No nation is going to challenge the United States to a nuclear showdown.
Some accuse elements of the Islamic regime - perhaps seeking to create a siege mentality ahead of a nuclear showdown - of responsibility for the blasts.