I took the bet because I don't think the odds of nuclear terror are quite as great as he does.
Something other than nuclear terror explains the long peace.
Markov went on, "This defense, this ability to protect ourselves from nuclear terror, changed the entire world political situation."
The same results can be achieved without resorting to nuclear terror.
As I mentioned earlier, our efforts are to give future generations what we never had; a future free of nuclear terror.
In the popular culture, nuclear terror begins with the theft of a nuclear weapon.
The best way to stop nuclear terror, therefore, is to keep the weapons out of terrorist hands in the first place.
The administration has made nuclear terror a priority, and it is getting plenty of goading to keep it one.
Today, we live with a different kind of nuclear terror.
In this case, the issue was the balance of nuclear terror 12 years after the cold war ended.