Eventually with nuclear triads being established, both countries were quickly increasing their ability to deliver nuclear weapons into the interior of the opposing country.
These nuclear-powered submarines will be a vital part of the nation's much desired nuclear triad.
In addition to the nuclear triad, nations deploy an early warning system that detects incoming nuclear missiles.
Thus, the land-based missile leg of the French nuclear triad has been eliminated.
It is intended as the future cornerstone of Russia's nuclear triad, and is the most expensive weapons project in the country.
Only the United States and Russia have maintained nuclear triads for most of the nuclear age.
He says he wants to modernize this part of the nuclear triad.
The military authorities, however, regarded Polaris as but one of a nuclear triad, each with its own function.
The Indian armed forces are steadily undergoing modernization, with investments in such areas as a missile defense system and a nuclear triad.