Most are nucleated settlements, while others are more dispersed.
Indian village dwellings are built very close to one another in a nucleated settlement, with small lanes for passage of people and sometimes carts.
Another nucleated settlement of 115 pit-houses developed in Okbang at about the same time.
The birth of Ballyporeen as a nucleated settlement is unknown.
Native resistance to the new nucleated settlements took the form of the flight of the indigenous inhabitants into inaccessible regions such as the forest.
A nucleated settlement developed around this building, which was reconstructed during the Norman era.
The pattern of settlement in the Mureș valley demonstrates a shift towards nucleated settlements.
By the 10th century, there were few nucleated settlements other than these monastic towns and the Norse-Gaelic ports.
From both deserted village sites and surviving nucleated settlements, a very complex picture of change and development is beginning to emerge.
Knighton is a nucleated settlement centred on the clock tower with limited ribbon development along the A roads.