In 2005, Charter 2000 announced that it would be filing for bankruptcy, blaming the costs associated with nuisance lawsuits for their financial trouble.
Officials with the Manhattan District Attorney's office said that group members were known to file nuisance lawsuits, particularly against former members.
Described as a nuisance lawsuit, it was dismissed by District Court.
Fields responded that it was "a nuisance lawsuit by a bankrupt company and they should be ashamed of themselves."
"It's a constant barrage of nuisance lawsuits."
The city again filed a public nuisance lawsuit, seeking to seize assets and close the operation for one year, naming Ms. Duran as a defendant.
Critics of class actions deride them as nothing but nuisance lawsuits dreamed up by greedy attorneys.
Most concerted actions consisted of citizens groups organized to oppose a specific highway or airport, and occasionally a nuisance lawsuit would arise.
The United States, he said, would have to reconsider sending top officials to Belgium if they risked being the target of nuisance lawsuits.
Gish had to drop the project when the play became the subject of a nuisance lawsuit against O'Neill.