He swallowed, trying not to sway in numb despair, and White Haven cleared his throat.
No longer able to count on duplication, and thus no longer able to correct the damage, I fell into numb despair.
He strolled over to Willkie, who was watching the stubbornly silent hecklers in numb despair.
Full-length cigarets filled every ashtray; he wandered about, stuffing them into packages, then gave up in numb despair and got into bed.
One of the men had surreptitiously brushed his big, calloused hand high between her legs, drawing in his breath in appreciation; Elena felt the shame flood through her body, and leaned back against the palisade in numb despair.
Interestingly, though, the coherence of its political analysis results in a kind of numb despair.
Disappointed in love, the introspective young traveler of "Winterreise" makes his path through anguish to lonely, numb despair.
Recollection washed through him in a flood, the terror and desperation and uncertainty of that time-the numb despair that had carried him through that last fatal day.
Eric left the line, walked slowly to a convenient haybale, stretched out and closed his eyes in numb despair.
My immediate feelings ran more toward numb despair.