According to a recent estimate, the number of non-believers in the world approximates one billion souls.
While the La Hitte guns retained the traditional 4 designation, the number now approximated to kg rather than the livre (French pound) as previously.
As long as the number of SNP observed approximates the number of mutations this formula works well.
A z score near zero indicates that the number of genes meeting the criterion approximates the expected number.
Naturally, this is a secret held by the various publishers around the world, however a number of people have approximated the algorithm with various levels of accuracy.
It should not be lost on the American public that the number of unskilled Americans out of work approximates the number of illegal residents in this country.
The yearly number of treatments approximates half a million.
The number of committees approximates the number of federal ministries, and the titles of each are roughly similar (e.g., defense, agriculture, and labor).
As techniques improve beyond this threshold, it will become clear that 1 inch is not the real value of the gauge block length, but some other number approximates it.
The number of those being shackled in a continuous chain at least approximated the one hundred and forty who were believed to have holed up in the Bordj.