A growing number of families are assuming the responsibility for educating their own children, and the evidence indicates they are doing a great job.
Positional code is called R-nary (and is denoted as ), if the numbers assume the values from the set .
This is about five times the number of people previously assumed, with many millions more throughout the world.
In its simplest sense, the number of unique "B" columns assumes that all 15 numbers are available for the first row.
In the environmental field, a number of international courts have assumed particular importance:
Call it my writer's irritation, but writing does seem to be the art that the greatest number of people assume they can practice.
The numbers assume that Congress will eventually approve the $15.4 billion for the fiscal year that began in October 2003.
The number of crackles, or the particular form assumed.
The number of museums on line has assumed proportions that only Alice grown 10feet tall could comprehend.
He reduced the number of painters assumed until then by half.