As 2007 progressed, the number of holes in one she claimed to have hit continued to grow.
Within hours after the blast, a number of left and the right wing groups claimed responsibility.
He murdered his wife, and from that moment on, a number of people claim to have seen her.
But a number of scholars claim its origin dates back to the 11th century.
He put the number of demonstrators at 1,500 to 2,000, less than a third the figure tenants were claiming.
Recent research suggested that the number of age discrimination claims annually could reach 15,000 by 2015.
A number of scholars claim that he was born in 1833.
A number of them claimed to have been persons only passing by the demonstration.
However, I am well aware that a number of people claim to know more than they are likely to, given their backgrounds and qualifications.
Only Germany is smaller, and the numbers claiming asylum much bigger.