I think the point is that market numbers don't correlate with "influence" especially when discussing the formative years of computing.
The number of seizures inversely correlates with the amount of rna editing.
It revealed that the number of males' sexual encounters positively correlated with their positive perception of women.
The number of affected family members and age at cancer diagnosis correlated with the colorectal cancer risk.
Their number correlates with poor prognosis in certain cancers including cancers of breast, cervix, bladder and brain.
The low numbers correlated with a robust economy and a large backlog of job positions at all levels.
Savanna baboon display a number of mating tactics correlated with their age.
The number of steps does not correlate to the total number of motor units in the muscle.
It is still unclear why the number of IQ domains in the spindle protein should correlate with brain size.
The numbers in the code correlate with the battery dimensions.