A number of the houses exhibit vernacular Federal and Georgian style details.
According to the museum, a number of artists who were first exhibited there have since established themselves on the world market.
The number of modern works exhibited grew within a few years to over 500.
It would have made a less confusing presentation, however, had number of works exhibited been reduced by 20 percent or so.
The number of breeding couples may exhibit large variations depending on available food.
Some bony fish are hermaphrodites, and a number of species exhibit parthenogenesis.
A number of species exhibit sexual dimorphism in size, bill length and weight.
Exhibition space is up by 65 percent, making room for 4,000 works of art, more than triple the number exhibited in 1988.
The numbers 1-16 exhibit certain characteristics which are different from the method of counting from 17-32.
The number of artifacts exhibited has been reduced, for a less-cluttered effect.