From that date, the number of partners and countries involved progressively increased.
An astounding number, something like 11 percent, of all business trips, now involve a child.
"With the numbers involved, this case would have been brought against any public official, against anyone."
He couldn't ask even a Ghoul to consider the numbers involved.
In addition, a relatively small number of calls, but ones that are commonly used, involve a different dance action for the boys and girls.
The number of people involved range from 4 in the smallest one-act to 25 or more for a main stage production.
Total number of men and women involved one way or another in this mission, 450,000.
A suspiciously large number of these stories involve conservative books.
During the events period, a number of happenings involve the whole town.
The other number involves the rate at which the expansion of the universe is slowing down.