A number of her clients were accused of being members of guerrilla organizations.
Large numbers of people, many of whom were high officials, were accused of witchcraft and executed, usually with their entire clans.
A number of innocent performers were accused of Communist affiliations and lost their careers.
The company later came under scrutiny when a number of its employees and investors were accused of having ties to terrorist groups.
In Malaysia, a number of people have been arrested in recent months and accused of being terrorists.
Since 1995, a number of members of the club have been accused or convicted of selling or manufacturing illegal substances.
A number of major brokerages and mutual fund firms were accused of various deceptive acts that disadvantaged customers.
Since the Mount Cashel scandal erupted, a number of priests across the country have been accused of sexual abuse.
A number of Japanese companies have even been accused of selling at illegally low prices that do not cover the currency changes.
But only a small number of Israeli Arabs have been accused of involvement in the violence.