A large number of computer makers packaged microcomputers for use in small business applications.
A number of other computer makers and software publishers are attempting to offer capabilities similar to Acrobat's.
I.B.M. is among a number of computer makers promoting multimedia personal computers.
A number of personal computer makers are also promoting compact disk-based multimedia technology for their machines.
A number of computer makers are betting that the pen is mightier than the keyboard.
The company does not build computer hardware, but it is working with a number of computer makers on a hand-held device called a Windows Companion.
A number of computer makers have recently introduced extensive consumer telephone-support services in an effort to directly reach their customers.
Its processors are more expensive and slower than those of a number of smaller computer makers, analysts say.
There have been similar reductions in the number of computer makers and suppliers of computer services.
A number of other computer makers and telephone companies have already entered the personal computing teleconferencing market.