The total number of graduates at the university between 1957 and 2007 was 3908.
Since 2003 the number of graduates has increased from 1700 to 2634 people (more than 1,5 time).
The number of graduates from each class is typically around 300 students.
As the number of graduates increased, so did the opportunities for work.
The total number of graduates since 1995 until the 15th graduation in 2009 was 7,447.
These numbers are expected to increase over the next several years as the number of high school graduates grows.
While the number of high school graduates has dropped in the last 10 years, a higher percentage are going on to college.
But a number of graduates from the early years feel they have gaps in their education.
The two ceremonies were needed for the large number of graduates.
From 1877 to 1885 the number of graduates soared to 219.