The reported number of cases underestimated the actual frequency of the crime, but it bore a reasonably constant relationship to the real frequency.
However, these numbers may underestimate actual numbers because not all cases attributable to ethylene glycol are reported to poison control centers.
Experts cautioned, however, that these numbers were highly uncertain and probably underestimated the potential change.
These shocking numbers are also underestimates, given assumptions of future "government savings" and, most crucially, benign gilt rates.
Even those numbers underestimate how many people are at risk and the scale of public insecurity.
Those numbers may underestimate the demand for the mosque, however.
An accompanying editorial said the sobering numbers "probably underestimate the true extent of the problem."
"My suspicion is that the number probably underestimates how people actually feel."
The state demographer, Jim Westkott, said he thought even those numbers might underestimate the growth.
Many researchers, however, feel those numbers seriously underestimate the real count.