This was changed by the introduction of a new numbering plan in 1999.
The last revision of the current numbering plan is September 21st, 2000.
Instead of E.164/2002, another more ambitious numbering plan was proposed.
There are no area codes in this closed numbering plan.
The numbering plan has constantly evolved during the last 30 years.
In the 1925 numbering plan only locomotive 90 116 was left.
Yet they must last until July 1995, when a new numbering plan is scheduled to take effect, telephone industry executives say.
An open numbering plan may have telephone numbers that vary in length.
Each change in the nationwide numbering plan has gone out of its way to be as little different from what went before as possible.
However, until the implementation of the current numbering plan, all the 018xx and 0xx89 numbers remained unchanged.