This is numerically equal (Force/Distance) in the same set of units.
There was real effort expended to try to keep them about equal numerically, but the Republicans gained a slight advantage.
It is numerically equal to the relative atomic mass (or atomic weight) in grams.
In general, the thrust-to-weight ratio is numerically equal to the g-force that the vehicle can generate.
This force is numerically equal to the momentum of vapor ejected during a unit of time.
There we face a numerically equal, reasonably well-armed opponent defensively deployed.
It is equal numerically to the e.m.f. in the closed circuit.
There is no longer such a tradition and the scholars are now distributed throughout the various houses, on a random but numerically equal basis.
This battle showed that the Prussians could crush a numerically equal enemy.
It follows that the equilibrium constant is numerically equal to the quotient of the rate constants.