In some large cities, experienced nurses can now earn more than $60,000.
After six years, a registered nurse earns $27,000.
The union says private-sector nurses earn 9 to 14 percent more than their counterparts at public hospitals who have the same amount of experience.
But even with the special pay scales, nurses at Lyons earn less than those at private hospitals.
First, the extra money that many private-duty nurses earn is offset by the lack of paid benefits, such as health coverage.
For each 13-week stint they work, traveling nurses can earn completion bonuses of up to $6,000.
Private nurses earn $27,000 to $29,000 in their first few years.
After 20 years a nurse might be earning $30,000, which is not much compared with what a new graduate earns.
Compensation matches the demand: With salaries of $40 to $50 an hour plus overtime, nurses can earn more than $100,000 a year.
Both sides agree that a starting registered nurse earns about $60,000 a year.