His mother, Gretchen V. Dix, is a nurse specializing in geriatrics.
In 2001, The Guardian noted that Britain had 3,000 nurses specializing in breast cancer, compared to only one for prostate cancer.
She is a nurse specializing in cardiac intensive care at Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan.
Her mother retired as a registered nurse specializing in neurological disorders at Christiana Hospital, also in Wilmington.
The bridegroom's mother is a registered nurse specializing in ultrasonography in her husband's practice.
She retired as a psychiatric nurse specializing in crisis intervention at the Grey Bruce Regional Health Center there.
In 1971, she began work as a medical-surgical nurse specializing in oncology and cardiac care.
She is a registered nurse specializing in neonatal intensive care.
She is both a registered nurse and a lawyer, specializing in labour and employment law.
A nurse specializing in geriatrics will regularly consult with the students, Mrs. Stone said.