The other two nurses had put down their coffee cups and were staring gape-mouthed at Johnny.
She looked in the mirror, and a sickly-looking nurse stared back.
When she looked up, she realized the two nurses were staring at her.
The nurse just stared at me, unable to speak or afraid to.
The veterinary nurse stared back at her and gave a short laugh.
The nurse stared at her with an expression that made it clear how many times a day she dealt with impatience.
The nurse stared narrowly at the gauge on the blood-pressure cuff.
At this point a nurse looked into the room and stared sternly at the three youths.
The door flew open and a nurse stared, openmouthed, at the carnage in the room.
The nurse made a funny sucking noise with her lips and stared at Meg.