These areas contribute a great abundance of population (not species) level biodiversity and ecosystem services, including cultural value and planetary nutrient cycling.
Soil fauna, ranging from microscopic protists to larger invertebrates, have a role in soil formation and nutrient cycling.
Such control will promote tight intra-system nutrient cycling and obviate to a degree the need for artificial fertilisers.
The warming trend is reducing the frequency of deep mixing in the lake, and may have important effects on water clarity and nutrient cycling.
Internal nutrient cycling, therefore, plays an essential role in productivity of a floodplain.
Subtropical gyres make up 40% of the Earth's surface and play critical roles in carbon fixation and nutrient cycling.
Leaf litter fall and nutrient cycling of calcium, potassium and magnesium in mature forest is the highest reported for any eucalypt forest.
Such impacts influence habitat structure, disturbance regimes, and nutrient cycling.
The impact of residue placement (buried by tillage or left on the surface in zero tillage) on nutrient cycling and efficiency is under study.
This has led not only to the loss of wildlife habitat, but also other forest services, such as carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling.