The BNF's team of nutrition scientists conduct academic reviews of published research on issues of diet and public health.
And unfortunately, because early nutrition scientists saw that alpha tocopherol seemed to be what there was most of, that's what all the supplements have.
While acknowledging that nutrition scientists lack an appreciation of the importance of the taste of food, he said: "It's difficult for me to get enthused about the program.
In fact, the National School Lunch Program created in 1946 bore only slight resemblance to the goals of nutrition scientists and home economists.
Overall, just one in four of the cereals evaluated meet the voluntary guidelines on sugar proposed earlier this year by a panel of federal nutrition scientists and marketing experts.
But some nutrition scientists consider them to be out of sync with the needs of many Americans.
"Even established nutrition scientists and policy makers say diet is important for preventing chronic disease."
It incorporates the recommendations of top ranking nutrition scientists from around the country.
His father is the director of pediatrics and the senior nutrition scientist at the Sansum Medical Research Institute in Santa Barbara.
"We certainly hear it enough," said Dr. Edward Saltzman, a nutrition scientist, referring to the increasing chatter about food swings.