Using a nutritional approach will not necessarily take away the symptoms overnight, but patients often notice dramatic relief in one to two months.
Folic acid and vitamin B12 in vitiligo: a nutritional approach.
Most non-Western societies consider geophagy to be an adaptive, beneficial, and nutritional approach to promote health.
The goal of the cluster is to develop a nutritional approach that responds to the needs of the modern-day consumer.
Supporters of this nutritional approach have published papers and books, and created web sites, to promote it.
That being said, many cases are treatable and nutritional approaches may help a patient keep the body in better shape during cancer treatments.
"If the oxidation theory is valid totally or in part, this represents another nutritional approach to preventing atherosclerosis."
Scherer is counting on a nutritional approach to the cardiovascular field, offering fish oil supplements that are said to reduce blood cholesterol levels.
There are other supposed benefits of this nutritional approach.
Sickle cell anemia: a potential nutritional approach for a molecular disease.