But Americans know nothing whatever about the proper nutritional balance.
(There are always at least a couple of alternative dishes, which promise particular attention to nutritional balance.)
The study also found that the acid in the mist upsets the trees' nutritional balance.
Remember, we want you not only to lose weight but to feel really healthy with your body in good nutritional balance.
The nutritional balance of a raw diet can vary greatly depending on the recipe.
Inadequate intake of calories and poor nutritional balance can compound fatigue.
Remember, the judges will be looking for originality, ease of preparation and nutritional balance, as well as family appeal.
The nutritional balance will come out all right if the food that the salad accompanies is low in fat.
As jeok consists of several ingredients from vegetables to meat, the dish shares high nutritional balance.
"They will still have the same nutritional balance they had before," he added.