As with all natural foods, the precise nutritional composition of rice varies slightly depending on the variety, soil conditions, environmental conditions and types of fertilizers.
Basic zinc chloride has been used as a stabilizing agent in nutritional and fungicidal compositions for application to the foliage of growing plants.
Food composition database (FCDB) - provides detailed information on the nutritional composition of foods.
Altogether the tuber shows a very good nutritional composition.
The scientific documentation as to the toxicity, nutritional composition and potential allergenic hazards required by NFR is currently not available.
A Turkish study of the nutritional composition of the fruit bodies concluded that L. volemus is a good source of protein and carbohydrates.
However, the exact nutritional composition of fruits varies widely.
Functional food products that offer health and sensory benefits beyond their nutritional composition are becoming progressively more important to the food industry.
Thus, McEwan's study suggested that Chilean policy should focus more on the nutritional composition of school meals, rather than the caolric content alone, in order to have significant positive results.
The meat is white and its nutritional composition compares favourably with that of other meats.