Biotin deficiency is a rare nutritional disorder which can become serious, even fatal, if allowed to progress untreated.
While the most common nutritional disorders in humans concern excessive intake of calories, malnutrition remains a problem.
Hartnup's disease is a hereditary nutritional disorder resulting in niacin deficiency.
Nutritional anemia refers to types of anemia that can be directly attributed to nutritional disorders.
Hair analysis is not accurate for diagnosing hair loss due to nutritional or similar disorders.
Pale white nails may be caused by nutritional disorders, such as anemia or zinc deficiency, or other medical problems.
WIN supplies information on weight control, obesity, and nutritional disorders for the public and for health professionals.
"I assume your data banks hold nutritional and metabolic disorders associated with all known poisons and infectious diseases?"
The major health problems of the country remain largely preventable communicable diseases and nutritional disorders.
Corking is a nutritional disorder in stone fruit caused by a lack of boron and/or calcium.