The digested, smaller nutritional elements and water get absorbed into the bloodstream, and the larger, undigested ones (like fiber) keep moving through.
The nutritional elements were especially innovative.
"These contain all the required nutritional elements."
It was all evidently charged with nutritional elements, for Gordon's hunger vanished after the slight meal.
He questioned whether there could be a "deficiency disease of the emotional life, comparable to a deficiency of vital nutritional elements within the developing organism".
NITROGEN is one of the nutritional elements that helps to make spring so green.
The queen had been quiescent far too long and the theory was that she might be missing some vital nutritional elements.
Severe conditions will dehydrate your skin cells and rob your skin of essential nutritional elements.
A multivitamin is preparation intended to be a dietary supplement with vitamins, dietary minerals, and other nutritional elements.
If you are a vegetarian with ulcerative colitis, dairy products and plant proteins - such as soy products - can provide the nutritional elements found in meat, fish, and poultry.