Does it have its nutritional facts right?
The nutritional facts of one 12 ounce can is 95 calories, 3.2 grams of carbohydrates, 0.7 grams of protein, and 4.2% alcohol by volume.
The following are basic nutritional facts on dried fruits:
There are a variety of Chewy Granola Bars, with different calorie counts and other nutritional facts.
Menu information - pricing, photos, ingredients, and other information about the food(s) being offered, including nutritional facts.
Get the nutritional facts on pecans and a healthy recipe.
There's something about a stick of warm, gooey cheese that is irresistible - until you take a look at the nutritional facts.
It offers information on such subjects as government-recalled toys or car seats, immunization schedules for infants and small children, safety instructions about infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation or poison control, and nutritional facts.
Establishing its own research laboratory in 1964, La Serenísima became the first in Argentina to provide nutritional facts on each bottle.
Just type in the food about to be eaten and get all its nutritional facts.