Only 15 feet of the wreck has been exposed so far, in the midsection, but it is enough to reveal oak planking, ribs of the hull and the area where the main mast was attached.
Each one was as large as a man's head; when they fell they sent up great gouts of water, smashed through oak planking, and turned living men into bone and pulp and gristle.
By the time he came back, Legacy had strolled into the living room and was staring at the oak planking of the floor.
Tippoo stepped back and flicked out the lash so that it extended to its full length along the seamed oak planking.
The Constitution is known as "Old Ironsides" for the way the cannonballs bounced off the hard live oak planking.
The flat flooring of this shed is also very solid, completed with thick oak planking, well able to support and withstand heavy items of machinery such as a printing press.
She pulled the cuffs right up to the railing and rested her hands on the ten-centimetre lip of solid oak planking.
Closer examination shows crude and hurried workmanship, including the clearly visible caulking that joined the oak planking.
The others rest on foundations of oak logs on the riverbed, which were constructed inside cofferdams of oak planking.
The floors were constructed of heavy oak planking.