The area is characterized by a mosaic of habitat types, including tallgrass prairie, aspen woodland, sedge meadow wetlands, riparian woodland, and oak savannah.
Ma Liren and the captain shared a bench in the tall grass and oak savannah.
It is a natural environment-class Provincial Park created to help preserve oak savannah and the beach dune ecology.
The county encompasses a variety of habitats including estuarine, marine, oak woodland, redwood forest, coastal scrub and oak savannah.
The terrain is largely sandy and flat and was historically prairie grassland and oak savannah.
Barrens dagger moths occupy oak savannahs and oak-hickory (Carya spp.)
Other management goals are to preserve native species and enhance biodiversity including the rare oak savannah, upland prairie, and wet prairie habitats.
Agriculture developed during the 1850s on top of the ridges where there were natural prairies and oak savannahs, which made working the land much easier.
The western and southern slopes, on the other hand, are drier and warmer, leading to fewer dense woodlands and more chaparral, grassland and oak savannah.
The park preserves prairie, wetland, and oak savannah.