She looked up from the tallying of receipts spread across a old desk of badly peeling oak veneer.
The oak veneer of his crudely carved desk-top slid back and revealed a dark screen, which rose into a vertical position.
The screen folded down, the oak veneer covered it once more.
Her quarters were plainly furnished with institutional twin beds, desks, and chairs of oak veneer.
The walls of the room are oak veneer stained a soft tobacco brown.
To the right were her comb, brush and mirror, the black oak veneer battered, the silver-wrapped handles tarnished.
The walls and ceilings are covered in oak veneer, all of it precisely fitted at the corners.
The oak veneer inside Hall One has come from the same 500-year old German oak tree.
Q. My computer table is covered with light-colored oak veneer.
The oak veneer on the table with the tea-making tray on it has bubbled.