The oasis city of Kashgar is located on the Tuman's south bank.
Esfahan is a major oasis city on the Zayandeh River with a population over 1.5 million.
Here merchants could trade for fresh horses or camels and this was a very important oasis city.
During the pre-Islamic period up until 622 AD, the city was known as Yathrib, an oasis city.
This exciting journey begins in the oasis city of Marrakesh.
The ancient city of Merv was an oasis city on the Silk Road.
Marv: an oasis city in Central Asia; located in present day Turkmenistan.
It was named after Palmyra, Syria, an oasis city mentioned in the Bible.
The first recorded customs tariff was from 336 in Palmyra, an oasis city in the Syrian desert.
This is one of the best preserved oasis cities on the ancient silk route.