Traditional Communism's social contract offered obedient citizens absolute economic security in exchange for police state controls and, until recently, minimal economic growth.
Up to code, complying with the rules - we are obedient and loyal citizens!
When government plays around with the lives of its obedient citizens, engaging in falsehoods in the process, we are dealing with serious stuff in urgent need of remedy.
For Abidin Kusno, Sadikin was part of a modernist program to attack irrationality, criminalize poverty, and create obedient national citizens.
In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, a technique called hypnopaedia is used to condition children to be obedient citizens.
He saves old, dirty motor oil instead of recycling it through the oil companies as an obedient citizen should.
Will the state promote sport as a safe, numbing kind of nationalistic cocoon for healthy, obedient citizens?
The current goal of the central government is to turn China into a country of mini-Singapores, with clean, pleasant cities filled with polite, obedient citizens.
The true student of politics, too, is thought to have studied virtue above all things; for he wishes to make his fellow citizens good and obedient to the laws.
Comparing the company to dissidents who emigrate, he added: "Those who would remain are obedient citizens and [that is] satisfactory to the authorities."