Maria thrust a little vial at him, and he obediently took a sniff.
She slid from his lap and stood, extending her hand, and he obediently took it.
Margaret and Casey obediently took their places at the table.
Palin obediently took a sip of his wine, drinking to his father's health.
Marygolden obediently took the articles Speedy handed to her, but she did not seem to know what to do with them.
The elevator obediently took them down a few levels.
Nerzhin obediently took a sheet of paper, thought a moment and then, as though inspired, wrote something.
He motioned toward the seats, and with only a little confusion, the disciples obediently took their places.
The group, mostly members of the press, obediently took a whiff.
Liz obediently took a sniff, but she didn't think anything would make her feel less nervous about seeing Max.