The stress tensor which automatically obeys the equilibrium equation may now be written as:
Markham obeyed automatically, like a frightened child submitting to his parent.
Cassie hastily looked down, obeying automatically, although she felt a surge of rebellion in her heart.
He had become so fascinated that he now obeyed automatically, without a second's thought.
She obeyed automatically, her mind still trapped in the dream, her body heating from it.
Even more surprising was the fact that he automatically obeyed her.
He obeyed automatically, bristling under the sharp fury of the order.
The nobleman obeyed automatically; his attention was fixed on the hilltop.
Thus, when she gives an order, her people automatically obey her, and she'd ordered them to go live out in the brush with the snakes.
Automatically obeying, she tugged the leather free, then delayed for a moment before releasing the hook on his trousers.