In Young's theory, the objects now called Young diagrams and the partial order on them played a key, even decisive, role.
A similar object called a wrench combines forces and torques in six dimensions.
They used an object called a radar to find it.
An object called a $note (basically, a kind of text file) could be created to work like a blackboard.
They are burned to heat water into steam, which can push a fan-like object called a turbine.
The same is true of the AS/400 and it uses an object called the library list ().
Long ago, in his mother's kitchen, he had delighted hi using an object called an egg slicer.
Many objects here call to mind works by other artists.
A commanding object, therefore, in a collegiate course, should be, to call into daily and vigorous exercise the faculties of the student.
At the start of the game, the player receives an object called a "Gaamsaav".