For example, all objects radiate heat in the form of infrared light and gamma rays, extremely high frequency light, can penetrate even dense materials.
As all objects radiate energy towards one another, the important consideration is the net direction of energy flow.
This is because the object is radiating energy that the eye cannot see, but the skin can feel as heat.
Both objects radiate light waves, but the cold object's waves are lower energy and lower frequency.
Because objects radiate light in rectilinear motion in all directions, the eye must also be hit with this light at all points.
Other objects, by contrast, radiate a palpable sense of mystery but keep their secrets locked inside.
For example, a red hot object radiates mainly in the long wavelengths (red and orange) of the visible band.
An isolated non-spinning solid object moving at a constant speed will not radiate.
The object radiates heat.
Exquisite forms dance by him, all surrounding objects radiate energy, brilliant emanations.